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Singorama Product Details
Singorama - The Complete Guide To Singing Like A Professional
Achieve your singing dreams by dedicating just 10 minutes a day following the same easy-to-use system enjoyed by thousands of people all over the world for the past 15 years!
The core system consists of 28 dynamic vocal training audio modules. This is combined with ebooks, worksheets, and tools designed to have you singing with better range, tone, pitch and control – rapidly!
Singorama is dedicated to providing the most relevant and up to date training to ensure your vocals are trained safely.
On top of all of that you also get 3 AMAZING bonuses!
Singorama Advancement App
This is designed to help you advance your singing and musical talent far ahead of the competition. You can use this app to warm up your vocal chords with ease.
You’ll also be able to improve your overall technique and ability by following our simple step by step lessons.
With over 120 tracks, you’ll effortlessly correct yourself while you practice, and as a result, significantly improve your singing voice in a very short amount of time.
Singorama mini-recording studio
This is software is designed to allow you to record, listen, evaluate and chart your progress on your way to singing mastery. The virtual keyboard is excellent for practicing your scales and pinpointing your weaknesses that need work.
The Ultimate Guide on How to Read Music
As a singer, it becomes a huge advantage if you have the ability to also read music. This easy-to-read, yet in depth guide will increase your understanding of music in leaps and bounds, and turn you into a musical force to be reckoned with!
Singorama Platinum Inner Circle Membership
Instant Download Price: $27
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Here are a number of articles you can send out to your lists. Just add your clickbank ID in the swipe where it says ‘cbankid’ and it’s good to go!
Learn to Sing
Headline 1: How to Learn to Sing!
Headline 2: Learn To Sing: Tips For Beginners
Headline 3: Learn To Sing Tips
Have you always wanted to become a singer? Many people dream of singing, but few take the steps required to learn. Here are some quick tips that will teach you how to learn singing, on your own or with assistance:
How to Learn Singing – Before You Begin
Before you begin, listen to a lot of different songs in many genres. This will help you settle on a style that best suits your voice and personality. Do you want to sing rock music? Opera? Maybe country and western or rhythm and blues suits your style best.
Next, start practicing to find your natural vocal range. Sing a note that you can comfortably hit. Then sing progressively higher notes until your sound quality decreases. Go back to the first note and then sing down the scale to find the bottom of your range.
This is an informal exercise, but it will help you get an idea of which notes you can comfortably sing, and which ones you need to work on.
How to Learn Singing – Self-Study
Many vocalists teach themselves to sing. Learning to sing by listening to other singers, without formal training, is called ‘singing by ear’. While some classically trained vocalists frown on this approach, it can lay the foundation for strong pitch recognition.
The problem with learning to sing by ear is that you can develop bad habits that are difficult to break later in life. Professional lessons can be expensive, though. Many singers find middle ground by using self-study courses.
Self-study singing courses typically contain videos or audio files that guide you through warm-ups and vocal exercises. They can help you expand your lung capacity, control your breathing, increase your vocal range, and sing smoothly across your vocal breaks.
If you decide to go this route, read reviews before you purchase a product. Some systems are better than others, so user reviews can be very helpful. You can find self-study singing courses online, or at your local library or book store.
How to Learn Singing – Professional Help
If you would prefer to do your learning face-to-face, consider signing up for singing lessons. Look for voice coaches in your area, or get a referral from friends who have had a good experience with a particular instructor.
If the cost of voice lessons is a little steep for your budget, try joining a choir at your school, church, or community center. This will give you access to an instructor and other singers that you can trade tips and techniques with.
How to Learn Singing – Advanced Techniques
After you’ve spent some time practicing, you might decide that you really enjoy singing and want to do more of it. It can be a little daunting to sing solo when you’re accustomed to singing with a group, but a little practice will decrease nervousness.
You can use your self-study course or your instructor to learn advanced techniques like perfecting your head voice, reaching into your falsetto range, and developing a vibrato. You will also learn to read music and transpose your favorite songs into a different key so that you can sing them easily.
Now you know how to learn singing without putting a huge dent in your bank account. Have fun experimenting with different musical styles and gaining confidence in your voice!
This article comes to you courtesy of Singorama:
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then check out the most comprehensive learn-to-sing system available.
No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singorama can help you. Not only is it educational, it’s really fun!
Sing like a professional starting today!
Vocal Exercises
Headline 1: Vocal Exercises to Improve Voice Quality And Tone
Headline 2: Vocal Exercise Tips
Headline 3: Vocal Exercises for Singing
There are a number of vocal exercises that you can use to improve the tone and quality of your voice. Some of these exercises can even help you develop a much broader vocal range. Here are a few classics to get you started:
Vocal Exercises: Warm-Ups
Your vocal chords need to be warmed up before you sing. Warming up helps protect your pipes from injury, and it also helps you sing a lot better.
To start, practice singing up and down the C chromatic scale a half-step at a time. This will force you to hit lots of subtle notes, and will give your voice a smoother quality.
The yawning technique is another approach. Open your mouth and sing a note. Now, without pausing for breath, keep singing the note while you change the pitch. Think of the way your voice gets higher when you yawn. This exercise should have a similar effect. Use it to go from the bottom of your range to the very top.
Try to spend at least 10 to 15 minutes warming up before you rehearse or perform.
Vocal Exercises: Range
One popular exercise to help you increase your vocal range involves playing notes on an instrument and singing along with them until you can’t sing any higher (or lower). With the help of a tuning device or a musical instrument, you can quickly identify your natural vocal range.
Other range-expanding vocal exercises focus on building a strong middle voice, which is a voice that combines the chest and head voices. Practice singing across your natural vocal break. As you sing, pay attention to where each note vibrates in your throat. Chest voice notes will vibrate lower in your vocal chords; head voice notes often vibrate at the back of your soft palate.
Practice these notes until you can routinely produce them with good quality and voice control. Go a step higher each week until you can sing well above your natural range.
Vocal Exercises: Pitch
Perfect pitch comes naturally to a rare few individuals. Most of us have to practice at it. Fortunately, there are vocal exercises that can help you improve your pitch.
The easiest way is to play a note on an instrument or in a sound software program, and sing that note as it plays. When you match the pitch perfectly, there will be a resonance that isn’t present when you sing off-pitch.
You can also practice pitch with other vocalists. Try harmonizing with another singer or two, with one singer taking the higher notes, one taking middle notes, and one taking lower notes. When you’re all on pitch, the result will be a resonating harmony.
Vocal Exercises: Volume
Volume is another important part of vocals. Sometimes you will need to sing at a higher volume, especially if you sing opera or rock music, or if you sing with a band that plays loudly.
Finding your natural volume is a lot like finding your natural range. Simply start out at a regular volume, singing in your speaking voice. Sing gradually louder until you can no longer sing comfortably. That is your natural volume range.
You can increase your volume by identifying your diaphragm (the band of muscle beneath your ribcage) and using it to push out your voice as you sing. Exhale sharply; the muscle that tightens when you exhale is your diaphragm.
These vocal exercises will help you identify and increase your natural range and volume, and add power to your notes. Practice daily to develop the best tone possible.
This article comes to you courtesy of Singorama:
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then check out the most comprehensive learn-to-sing system available.
No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singorama can help you. Not only is it educational, it’s really fun!
Sing like a professional starting today!
Singing High Notes
Headline 1: How to Sing High Notes
Headline 2: Tips For Singing High Notes
Headline 3: Sing High Notes With Confidence and Precision
Many singers wonder how to sing high notes with power and richness. The notes that fall within speaking voice range are easy to sing, but higher notes are notoriously difficult for beginners.
If you’d like to learn how to sing high notes without compromising your vocal quality, use these tips to get started:
How to Sing High Notes: Finding Your Upper Limit
You can find the upper limit of your vocal range by singing progressively higher notes until you can no longer sing comfortably. The highest note you can sing without straining is the top note on your natural vocal range.
Use a guitar, organ, or other properly tuned instrument to help you identify the notes in your range. Play a note, then match your voice to it. Keep doing this until you reach the top of your range.
Any notes above the top of your vocal range will require some practice. The goal is to learn how to sing high notes with good vocal control and without straining your voice.
How to Sing High Notes: Spanning Your Vocal Break
As you reach the top of your range, you will notice that there is a point where your voice changes in quality. The deeper notes are sung in your “chest voice”, which is close to your regular speaking voice. This is the voice that resonates deep in your throat or chest.
At some point, your voice will shift to a lighter, airier sound that reverberates in the top of your throat or back of your mouth. Some people describe this voice as nasal, but that’s not accurate. This higher, thinner voice is known as the “head voice”, because it resonates higher in your head.
The point where this switch occurs is known as your vocal break. Beginning singers find it difficult to sing notes immediately above and below this break, but with some practice, you can learn to bridge this break and sing most songs seamlessly.
How to Sing High Notes: Improving Your Head Voice
There are two major steps you can take to improve the quality of your head voice. First, you’ll need to develop your “mixed voice”, which is a combination of your chest and head voices.
The mixed voice is the result of practice; most people don’t come by it naturally, but experienced singers incorporate it so smoothly that it’s impossible to tell when they switch from chest voice to head voice.
To strengthen your mixed voice, you need to sing the notes around your vocal break. As you sing progressively higher, you should practice using a bit less of your chest voice and a bit more of your head voice. You can practice this skill by paying attention to where each note resonates in your throat and mouth, and putting slightly more emphasis on the “head” notes as you go along.
Over time, you will learn to place the notes where you want, making the transition from chest to head voice very smooth.
How to Sing High Notes: Breath and Diaphragm Support
The second part of singing higher notes with ease is learning to use your breathing and diaphragm to support the high notes. Without breath and diaphragm support, your head voice will sound thin and reedy. With breath and diaphragm support, it will sound rich and strong like your chest voice.
Practice rationing your voice as you exhale a note, not letting it out too fast. This will help you sustain high notes and give them just the right amount of breath support.
Your diaphragm is the muscle in your stomach area that flexes when you laugh or exhale sharply. Practice flexing it as you sing to give extra support to your high notes for a more powerful sound.
With your full vocal range and the power of your breath and diaphragm behind you, you’ll soon learn how to sing high notes like a pro – and how to belt out money notes your audience will never forget!
This article comes to you courtesy of Singorama:
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then check out the most comprehensive learn-to-sing system available.
No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singorama can help you. Not only is it educational, it’s really fun!
Sing like a professional starting today!
Singing Lessons For Beginners
Headline 1: Singing Lessons For Beginners
Headline 2: Beginners Tips For Singing
Headline 3: Singing For Beginners
Learning to sing can be a bit daunting at times, especially when you’re not sure where to begin. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to find singing lessons for beginners. Whatever your budget or skill level, there is a type of singing lesson that’s right for you.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Singing Lessons for Beginners: Private Lessons
Private singing lessons with an experienced vocal coach are perhaps the quickest way to develop a good singing voice. They are also the most expensive way, since you pay hourly or by the half hour for a series of lessons which could take months.
Private lessons give you one-on-one time with your instructor. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions, receive highly personalized advice, and work on overcoming bad habits you may have developed.
Look for a vocal coach in your area by searching through the classifieds, scrolling through the phone directory, or asking friends and colleagues to recommend a good one. Even if you only take a few private sessions, you could end up with valuable knowledge that will benefit your voice for life.
Singing Lessons for Beginners: Group Practice
If private lessons won’t fit into your budget, consider joining a vocal group instead. This could be a school choir, a church choir, or any vocal ensemble in your area. Look for classified ads or notices in your local music stores. Some junior colleges and community centers have singing groups that perform at local events.
The downside to vocal groups is that you might be required to audition before you can join. Brand new singers might find this difficult. If you manage to get into the group, though, you will be able to learn from the instructor and the other vocalists. You will also be able to practice harmonizing with other singers.
Singing Lessons for Beginners: Online Courses
Online courses can be very helpful for aspiring singers who don’t have a voice coach or vocal group nearby, or for those who would rather pay a one-time fee than pay for ongoing lessons.
Most online singing courses contain video or audio lessons, informational books and charts, and sound recording software programs. These programs allow you to record your singing and play it back to identify trouble spots and measure your progress.
Many of these courses were developed by professional singers or voice coaches, and they are affiliated with web sites and communities where you can ask questions and receive tips from other singers of all skill levels.
Since online courses can be pricey, you should read several unbiased user reviews before settling on one. Choose one that fits your budget, contains plenty of content, and comes with a money-back guarantee.
Singing Lessons for Beginners: Other Study Guides
Of course, you can also find self-study singing guides in print and on DVD. Look at your local bookstores or check out a course from your local library. You might be able to find some good deals, along with user reviews, on Amazon or eBay.
Whether you take your singing lessons from a private instructor, with a group, or on your own, remember that practice is the key to becoming a skilled singer. Natural talent can give you a leg up, but daily practice sessions will help you become more polished and confident.
This article comes to you courtesy of Singorama:
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then check out the most comprehensive learn-to-sing system available.
No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singorama can help you. Not only is it educational, it’s really fun!
Sing like a professional starting today!
Develop Vocal Range
Headline 1: Develop Vocal Range
Headline 2: Extend Your Vocal Range
Headline 3: Vocal Range Tips
All singers have a natural vocal range; that is, they have a series of notes that they feel most comfortable singing. For some, this is a range of low notes. Others can sing higher notes without difficulty.
Do you know what your vocal range is? Do you want to expand it? There are ways to measure your vocal range and techniques you can use to master the notes above and below your range.
Measuring Your Vocal Range
Unless you have the help of an instructor, you will need some sort of tuning guide to help you measure your range. This could be a piano, organ, guitar, or a tuning software program.
First, make sure the instrument is properly tuned. Then play a middle ‘C’. Match your voice to the note that the instrument plays. Then play up the C chromatic scale (C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C) and match your voice to each note in succession.
Keep going up the scale until you switch from your chest voice to your head voice. This natural shift is called your ‘vocal break’. The chest voice is deeper and resonates lower in your throat. The head voice is thinner and resonates at the back of your soft palate.
The highest note you can comfortably sing without straining is the top of your vocal range. This will change over time; singing exercises and regular practice can help you sing higher, and factors like age and tobacco use can deepen the voice.
After you’ve found the upper limit of your vocal range, play down the scale (C, B, Bb, A, Ab, G, Gb, F, E, Eb, D, Db, C) to find the lowest note you can comfortably sing. This is the bottom of your range.
Expanding Your Vocal Range
It takes time and practice to develop a wider vocal range, but vocalists do it all the time. To start, practice singing the notes near the top of your range. You might notice that you have some difficulty singing them with good quality and control, but that will improve over time.
Begin by adding 1 to 3 notes to the top of your vocal range. These might be notes that transcend your vocal break. If so, you will need to develop a mixed voice that combines your chest and head voices in order to sing these notes smoothly.
When you learn to sing in a mixed voice and produce seamless notes that cross your vocal break, this is known as ‘bridging the gap’. The better you can sing the notes around your vocal break, the smoother your vocal performances will be – and the higher you can comfortably sing.
Vocal Range Extremes
Most people sing in the middle vocal ranges, with a much smaller number having very high natural singing voices (sopranos), or very low singing voices (basses). Women typically sing mezzo-soprano, alto, or tenor. Men typically sing contralto, tenor or baritone.
While most people can learn to sing high notes well above their natural range, it’s important to recognize the difference between your head voice and a falsetto voice.
The head voice is slightly airy, lacking the deep resonance of the chest voice (which is closer in tone and quality to the speaking voice). With practice, you can give your head voice a richer sound with more power behind your notes.
Falsetto is a range above your head voice. The easiest way to tell when you’ve switched to falsetto is to press your fingers against your throat as you sing. As you produce progressively higher notes, you will notice that the notes vibrate higher in your throat and in the roof of your mouth. When you switch to falsetto, your vocal chords will not vibrate at all when you sing.
No matter your starting point, regular daily practice will help you expand your range and improve the quality of all the notes you sing, high and low.
This article comes to you courtesy of Singorama:
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then check out the most comprehensive learn-to-sing system available.
No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singorama can help you. Not only is it educational, it’s really fun!
Sing like a professional starting today!
How to Sing and Play
Headline 1: How to Sing and Play
Headline 2: Sing and Play At The Same Time
Headline 3: Tips for Singing While Playing Guitar
Singing comes naturally to some, but for others it’s a learned skill. Guitar-playing is another skill that takes time to develop. If you’d like to learn how to sing and play guitar at the same time, get ready to devote a lot of time to practice.
Singing and playing guitar, also called “strumming and singing”, looks easy when the pros do it. But if you’ve never tried it before, you might be daunted the first time you try to strum and sing.
It will take time, but you can learn how to sing and play guitar by following these simple rules:
Rule 1: Choose the Right Song
Watch video footage of singers who play the guitar while they sing. Chances are, they are performing songs specifically written to be sung and played at the same time. Even rock singers are probably strumming along to the rhythm while they play instead of trying to sing and play a complex melody.
Choose songs that lend themselves well to strumming and singing. If you just can’t figure out how to sing and play guitar on a particular song, you might need to make an easier selection until you’ve advanced your skills.
Rule 2: Memorize the Song
You’ll have an easier time learning how to sing and play if you have a natural sense of rhythm and timing. You’ll have a much easier time if you don’t need to think about the song’s lyrics while you play the guitar.
Practice singing the song several times a day until you can easily sing it from memory. Then keep singing it until the words flow on their own, without too much thought from you. At this point, you’ll have become so familiar with the song that you will be able to sing the words while you concentrate on playing the right chords on the guitar.
Rule 3: Take it Slow
When you’re first learning how to sing and play guitar, don’t try to master fast, difficult songs with lots of complex fingering and vocal acrobatics. Start off with a simpler tune that is easy to remember and fits your natural vocal range.
By starting slow and taking your time, you will learn proper techniques. If you rush things, you could pick up bad playing habits that keep you from realizing your full potential as an artist.
Rule 4: Master Your Basic Chords
By the time you learn how to sing and play at the same time, you should be so familiar with basic guitar chords that you can play them without a lot of concentration. Practice your chords and scales daily until you can play them largely from muscle memory.
Later, after you’ve mastered the basics, you can work your way up to more challenging riffs without sacrificing the quality of your strumming or your singing.
Rule 5: Give It Time
It takes a while to learn how to sing and play guitar simultaneously. How much time? Some experts estimate that it takes the average person six months or longer to be able to sing and play easy to moderately difficult songs. That’s with a half hour of practice each day.
Don’t get discouraged if it takes longer for your skill to develop. It might take a year or longer to get the hang of difficult songs. Practice makes all the difference, so make time for it every day.
This article comes to you courtesy of Singorama:
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then check out the most comprehensive learn-to-sing system available.
No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singorama can help you. Not only is it educational, it’s really fun!
Sing like a professional starting today!
Guitar Singing Lessons
Headline 1: Guitar Singing Lessons
Headline 2: Singing Lessons For Guitar
Headline 3: Strumming and Singing Skills
Many people want to learn how to sing. Many others want to learn how to play the guitar. What if you’ve mastered those skills separately, but want to learn how to do both at the same time?
Numerous guitar singing lessons have cropped up online, and music teachers have begun to offer classes in singing while playing the guitar. Here are some helpful tips for anyone who wants to improve their “strumming and singing” skill:
Guitar Singing Lessons: Professional Help
If you’re a beginning vocalist or guitar player, consider signing up for some professional lessons to teach you how to combine your skills. Even a few sessions with a pro could give you valuable insights into what it takes to sing and play guitar at the same time.
Look for local instructors in your phone directory, or go online and search through message forums and songwriting blogs. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool; if your friends and colleagues recommend someone, give that instructor a try.
Guitar Singing Lessons: Self-Study
If there’s no room in your budget for guitar singing lessons, try a self-study course. You can find plenty of these on the Internet or at your local book store or library. There are self-study courses to suit every budget. While you frequently get what you pay for, the most expensive systems aren’t necessarily the best ones.
Choosing a singing and strumming guide is a lot like choosing an instructor: Word of mouth counts for a lot. If your musician friends recommend a course, give it a try. Otherwise, go online to look for unbiased user reviews of each system.
Look for systems that include a blend of written instructions, video or audio lessons, and software tools that allow you to record your songs and listen to them to identify areas which need improvement.
Guitar Singing Lessons: Timeframe
Singing while playing is a skill that is developed over time, with practice. It’s not something you can learn overnight. In fact, renowned guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas suggests that it could take six months to learn how to play and sing reliably, assuming you practiced for 30 minutes a day, every day.
Some people pick up the skill faster than others, but you should anticipate spending 3 to 6 months learning to sing and play guitar. It could take a year or longer to master more challenging chords and vocals.
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel like you’re progressing fast enough. Just stick with your lessons and remember that every great singer/guitar player has been in your shoes at some point.
Guitar Singing Lessons: Challenges
As with any instrument, there is a proper way to strum and sing, and plenty of improper ways as well. Unfortunately, learning to play and sing without proper technique can make it challenging to move from basic chords to more complex songs.
Some common challenges that beginners face include changing chords smoothly while singing; singing a challenging melody while they strum; and muscle tension that comes when a guitarist uses their arm and shoulder muscles to compensate for underdeveloped hand and finger muscles.
Each of these challenges can be overcome with time and practice. By taking guitar singing lessons, either by yourself or with an instructor, you will avoid developing bad playing habits that could keep you from meeting your full potential.
This article comes to you courtesy of Singorama:
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then check out the most comprehensive learn-to-sing system available.
No matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singorama can help you. Not only is it educational, it’s really fun!
Sing like a professional starting today!
Email Swipe Files
Be sure to check them all out – as some are specific to different niches such like ‘learn to play guitar’ ‘learn to play piano’ etc…
Pre-Written Emails
Singorama is continually looking for ways to make it easy for affiliates to make money. Choose from a range of pre-written emails below to add to your newsletter lists, letting your subscribers know about Singorama and how it can help them achieve their singing goals.
Just replace ‘cbankid’ with your own Clickbank ID in each email to create your hoplink.
You will notice on the first 2 email swipefiles there is a prompt to add a link in place of www.squeezepage.com – This is an option for you to promote the “free 5 part mini-course.” Once your prospect has registered, they are redirected to the video sales letter. This gives you multiple chances of making the sale – From Singorama’s mailing list, (for 60 days) and from the re-direct to the video sales letter. Click here to generate your affiliate link for the “free 5 part mini-course” and then copy and paste it in – like you would with your clickbank hoplink.
Email Templates
NOTE: You will need to change the merge fields identified by %% to reflect the merge codes in your email software.
Subject Line 1: Learning to sing like a pro is Easy!
Subject Line 2: Here’s Your 5 part singing mini-course…
Subject Line 3: Stop wasting time on stuff that doesn’t work
Hi %%FirstName%%,
There is a singing course on the market head and shoulders above the rest… It’s called Singorama 2.0
Right now they are giving away free lessons to get you started…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Here is the download link for your FREE 5 part singing mini-course.
–> www.squeezepage.com
Inside, you’ll learn:
* Every little thing you need to know about proper breathing techniques that will skyrocket you to your full singing potential.
* empower yourself with the theories of vocal tone and pitch and how the influence the way you sing.
* Learn professional singing habits while avoiding harmful bad habits.
* And much, much more…
You’ll also find out how to get access to Singorama.
With Singorama be able to:
* Sing with effortless strength.
* Increase your vocal range by at least an octave.
* Sing with beautiful tone and perfect pitch.
* And much more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
We look forward to working with you and helping you succeed in learning to sing like a pro
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Sing like an angel with the confidence of a rock star!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: In case you missed it yesterday!
Subject Line 2: The #1 Key to Success in Learning to Sing like a Pro…
Subject Line 3: Here’s that link…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Yesterday, you downloaded my 5 part singing mini-course. If you had any trouble accessing it, here’s the link again:
–> www.squeezepage.com
Now, the number one key to success in learning to sing is practicing your singing exercises. And if you don’t know how to do them properly, you could be headed for trouble!
So, take just a few minutes and learn the 3 bad habits you must avoid when singing!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
In fact, using exactly what you’ll discover in this system, I can PERSONALLY vouch that this course will transform your voice to sing like an angel with the confidence of a rock star!
Singorama 2.0 is a trusted brand that has been around for 10 years now. They never stop updating their system – members get updates for life.
So don’t take it from me… Take it from EXPERIENCE!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Singorama 2.0 comes with a 60 unconditional money back guarantee… So you really can’t lose!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Headline 1: Is this course really the best?
Headline 2: I used this system myself to ‘make it’ as a pop star.
Headline 3: Trust a course that stands the test of time.
Hi %%Firstname%%,
With all the different singing courses out there on the net, how can you know which one is best?
– You need to consider if the course you are looking at is as comprehensive as it gets.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Many other ‘singing courses’ out there skimp on training, fearing if they add too much content, it will ‘appear too complex’…. Singorama 2.0 has not left out a single piece of training. We have structured our course to make step-by-step learning easy.
– If other ‘singing courses’ out there are so good, why haven’t the instructors used it themselves to ‘make it’ in the industry?
The co-developer of this program developed this system to make it as a popstar…. 1 platinum and 2 gold albums speak for themselves. This system is step -by-step that anyone can follow!
– It’s important you consider a course that has been around a while….
Singorama 2.0 has been helping thousands of everyday people transform their voices for 10 years now.
Check out Singorama 2.0 and see for yourself why thousands of others have chosen us to transform their voice to a professional standard.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
To your singing mastery,
P.S: We look forward to getting a letter from you, telling us about your experience with Singorama and about all the people you have impressed with your newfound vocal skills. Even though we get a lot of mail, please write to us. We’d love to hear your success story!
Subject Line 1: Are you getting started?
Subject Line 2: Learning to sing like a pro is SIMPLE…
Subject Line 3: This is the #1 Key to Success…
Hi there %%FirstName%%!
Are you just getting started in learning to sing? Or are you a seasoned pro? (Or somewhere in between?)
Here’s the thing… If you want to truly be successful with learning to sing, then you HAVE to implement processes and systems. Not just any process or system, but one that works over and over again – that’s duplicatable.
Learning to sing like a pro is SIMPLE, but not always easy ;-). So do what it takes to make it eas-“ier”
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And when you get you access to Singorama 2.0, here’s just SOME of what you’ll learn:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence adding at least an octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* And MUCH, MUCH More!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Remember, scheduling and practicing your singing exercises is the key to success!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Why was Singorama 2.0 created?
Subject Line 2: Are you facing these same problems?
Subject Line 3: Here’s your answer!
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Back when I was just getting started with singing, the biggest problem I had was weak voice.
Chances are… you’re in the same boat!
The problem is… If you’re anything like I was, you’re getting more and more frustrated!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
You’ve probably spend countless hours researching online…
Or perhaps you’ve bought ebooks, training programs, and other products on the topic, only to be let down :-(.
Sound familiar?
Well, I was in a similar situation, many moons ago.
So what I decided to do was find the best singing program on you can get, and before I knew it, I was singing like a pro.
This fully comprehensive course gives you:
* 28 lesson audio course, ebook and 4 audio super bonuses
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* And SO much more!
See for yourself right here…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
People always ask me how I became such a great singer, and this is the simple answer!
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. If you have even the smallest idea you may be good at this or really enjoy it, you OWE it to yourself to try!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Singorama Details…
Subject Line 2: Here’s What You Get…
Subject Line 3: All of this is INCLUDED…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
I know you’re probably busy, so I’ll be quick…
Here’s the bottom line… No other Learn to sing course will give you all of this:
* 28 lesson audio course, ebook and 4 audio super bonuses
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* And much more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And remember, here’s just SOME of what you’ll learn when you get your access TODAY:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence adding at least and octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* And much, much, more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Grab your access today! The time to take action is NOW… it comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. There is NO OTHER singing course on the market this comprehensive!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Headline 1: Love to sing but still a little shy?
Headline 2: Does singing in front of others FREAK you out?
Headline 3: You’re pretty sure you can sing – but still a little shy?
Hi %Firstname%,
Do you get a little shy singing in front of others? Or just REALY nervous?
I used to get REALLY nervous. I had a problem…. Big crowds.
I got REALLY NERVOUS and it ruined my performances.
I kept working hard on my singing skills expecting the anxiety to go away but it wouldn’t….
I’m so incredibly grateful I found a way to overcome the problem, otherwise probably would have given up.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singing should be fun right? Not nerve wrecking…..
When I used the Singorama 2.0 program, I made sure to go straight to their breakthrough on performance anxiety, so I could really enjoy the art of singing, and performing at my best
– While not worrying about it.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singing is an art that can be learned… with Singorama 2.0 it’s fast and fun!
<your name>
P.S: Stop letting your fears dictate your life – Try it out…. if it isn’t for you, we will gladly refund your money within 60 days.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: PROOF (Inside)…
Subject Line 2: Here’s your proof!
Subject Line 3: Look at what they have to say…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
It’s one thing when “I” tell you about Singorama 2.0 and what it’s done for me…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
But, the proof is really in how it works for other people like YOU, right?
Well, here’s what just a few people have to say…
Hello. My name is John Elsfelder. I have been very successful with your course. I am very pleased. I actually was able to improve my voice and go into a studio and record a song that I wrote and I am trying to make it in the business, even at my age. I’m 48 years old, but I am going to do it. And I had a great time in the studio and I can even send you my song, so you can hear how good it sounds. I think the course is awesome. I love the technique about warm-ups, I really liked that. It really has helped me. In fact, I did that before I actually went into the studio. Anyway, I have a finished song, and I’m going to do 3 Christmas songs, hand them out to my family for Christmas on December 9th, and on December 16th I am going into the studio to record 2 more songs that I have written. I have written 9 songs so far. I just want to make it into the business, I’m trying to get on the radio. Everyone that has listened to my song loves it, and if I could get radio airplay it would be a hit. I’m just trying to make it and your course has really helped me a lot. I really, really am glad that I bought your course. John Elsfelder (United States)
“…The other thing I really liked about singorama was your mini-recording studio that I found really valuable because you can’t really improve your singing if you don’t hear it. I was using an old tape recorder and it’s just a pain when singing. You sing a few songs or a few scales, and then you want to find it again, ESPECIALLY if you left it a few days later. Then you’re like, “Oh wait where was that one, where was that practise, I need to know for the…” You can’t find it and end up guessing which was which. Whereas with the Singorama Mini Recording Studio, everything is filed away. It’s just a lot more convenient and easier to use!” Nadia E. (United Kingdom)
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Remember, you’ll finally be able to:
* Sing with effortless strength.
* Increase your vocal range by at least an octave.
* Sing with beautiful tone and perfect pitch.
* And much, much, more…
What are you waiting for?
Here’s your link to get started RIGHT NOW…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
I’m looking forward to adding you to one of our success stories…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Here’s what one more student had to say…
“Hello. I am just calling from Ireland. I bought the Singorama package to help me sing about a year ago. Now, I have to say it is the most comprehensive and fun course that I have ever experienced. I was so surprised that I could do this in my own time, like in the evenings after I do my day job and that is what inspired me to then purchase a studio. Using the mini studio with a Mac and the other software, I have actually written two songs which are going to be published very soon. So I am very, very happy with the strength of vocals and the range of harmonies that I can actually do. So again, I can’t reiterate how happy I am to receive the products and I wish Singorama all the best for the future.” Roland Smithers (Ireland)
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Subject Line 1: weak voice: Solved!
Subject Line 2: unable to hit high notes: Solved!
Subject Line 3: poor tone and pitch: Solved!
Hi %%FirstName%%,
The biggest 3 problems people have when it comes to learning to sing are:
* Weak voice;
* Unable to hit high notes; and
* Poor tone and pitch…
Can you relate?
Well, the good news is that inside Singorama 2.0, you’ll learn how to overcome each of those AND many more!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
For example, here’s just some of what you’re going to learn:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence adding at least an octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* and Much, Much MORE!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Grab yours now before you spend even MORE time running into more obstacles!
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Get your access today and FINALLY overcome what’s been holding you back!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Quick Reminder…
Subject Line 2: Here’s What You Get…
Subject Line 3: Don’t Miss Out…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Just a quick reminder… There’s still time to grab Singorama 2.0!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And when you order today, you’re going to get:
* 28 lesson audio course and ebook
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* And much, much more!
Plus you’ll also get all the bonuses here:
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Be sure to grab it ASAP… Every minute you wait is delaying your success.
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. What are you waiting for? The time to take action is NOW!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Are You A Master of Procrastination?
Subject Line 2: Is This Costing You?
Subject Line 3: How Much Do YOU Procrastinate?
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Have you grabbed your copy of Singorama 2.0?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
If not, I ask you… “What are you waiting for?”
Did you know…
“ACCURATE analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure, disclosed the fact that LACK OF DECISON was near the head of the 30 major causes of FAILURE. This is no mere statement of theory – it is a fact” ~ Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich.
The key to becoming successful is overcoming procrastination.
Here’s a tip that will increase your productivity and efficiency (and help you overcome procrastination).
*************** T I P ******************
* Get a small kitchen timer
* Set it to 60 minutes
* During that time, focus ONLY on MONEY GENERATING tasks. Nothing else… No email, no phone calls, no visitors, NOTHING…
That’s it. It sounds simple, but you will find yourself ‘creatively’ procrastinating if you don’t catch yourself.
The other thing that’s important with regard to Decision and Procrastination is this…
While you are sitting around “thinking about it” someone else is “doing it.” This translates into someone else being able to sing with effortless strength, Increasing their vocal range, singing with beautiful tone and perfect pitch., etc.
On that note, don’t try and reinvent the wheel.
It will be easier to make decisions if you have tried and true systems, if you have tools and resources that work…
If you’ve gotten this far, I ask you, what are you waiting for?
It’s time to order your copy of Singorama 2.0 😉
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Get your access today and FINALLY overcome the procrastination and GET STARTED!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Your Final Reminder…
Subject Line 2: Last Chance!
Subject Line 3: You’re About to Miss Out…
Hi %FirstName%,
Over the past few weeks, I’ve sent you a number of emails with access to both your free 5 part singing mini-course as well as how to access Singorama 2.0.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
To recap, here’s just some of what you’ll learn inside:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence – adding at least an octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* And much, much more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And here’s what you’ll get:
* 28 lesson audio course and ebook.
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* PLUS all the other bonuses here:
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
If you’re FINALLY ready to fix your weak voice, work on to hitting those high notes, and fine tune poor tone and pitch…
… And start seeing benefits like singing with effortless strength, increasing your vocal range by at least an octave, and singing with beautiful vibrato, then the time to get started is now!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
I look forward to seeing you on the other side!
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Remember, the time to make a decision is NOW. You may never see this offer again and I’d hate for you to lose out 🙁
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: How to sing like a pro and have fun doing it!
Subject Line 2: Do you train at the gym? How about your voice?
Subject Line 3: Bad technique could ruin your voice forever…
Hi %Firstname%,
As many aspiring singers do, they search the web for ‘free singing tips’ but as they search they find it’s like diving deep into a wormhole. Over whelmed by information, they find conflicting advice, and are unsure where to start. And out of this mountain of singing tips, how are you to know what the most important are, can I trust this advice?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
It can be really frustrating. You have this passion for singing, but you want to take your voice to the next level…. You have probably questioned to yourself if singing can actually be learned. Maybe it’s something you are just born with?
First of all, the good news is – That singing is an art than anyone can learn. The muscles that create your voice are just like any other muscle in your body…. It can be trained. But most importantly, it has to be trained the right way. Have you ever heard of someone injuring themselves because they used the wrong technique at the gym? Well the same goes for your voice. A bad or improper technique can damage your voice, and if the habit isn’t corrected, you could face permanent damage. The most common is voice ‘nodules.’
To guarantee you practice the professional way, there is a well established singing course that has been transforming voices for the last 10 years: Singorama 2.0
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
This comprehensive course goes far beyond other singing courses because it was developed by a 90’s popstar (Melanie Alexander from ‘Girlfriend’) and a well established vocal coach (Emily Mander)
The techniques in this course are the ones Melanie used herself to help her earn the platinum and 2 gold albums she hangs on her wall.
The reason why this course is the best is because much more than learning to sing. From dealing with performance anxiety, to singing in a band or choir, as well as advanced professional singing techniques.
It doesn’t matter what level of singing you are at, you can either transform your voice as a beginner or reach your full potential if you are advanced.
Singorama 2.0 is made up of 28 interactive lessons, an ebook, combined with some killer bonuses – The Mini-Recording Studio and the ‘Pitch Perfector’ that have the reviewers raving.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
If you want to sing with a far greater range, with effortless power, hitting those high notes with perfection, with beautiful tone and pitch…. and have fun doing it then you have to check out Singorama 2.0
You will be so glad you did.
Bye for now
P.S. If you at least want to know the 3 killer mistakes you could be making while learning to sing, check this out…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play guitar’ niche
Subject Line 1: Jimi wasn’t that great at singing…
Subject Line 2: Would Jimi still have been so famous?
Subject Line 3: Playing the Guitar could be TWICE as fun!
Jimi Hendrix had a long career before he decided to learn to sing… Can you imagine if he had been happy with just lead guitar and didn’t sing? Would he still be one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century?
Jimi wasn’t a powerhouse singer… The guitar and stage performance spoke for itself…
You may not be as good on the gat as Jimi, but what if you could sing better than him?
You might be pursuing a dream in music, but ‘missing a piece of the puzzle’….this missing piece of the puzzle could be holding you back from becoming a legend one day.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
You may be able to sing ok while playing….. But wouldn’t it be amazing to sing with rhythm, tune, power and vibrato?
My friend Melanie Alexander (who has a platinum and 2 gold albums) co-developed a singing course 10 years ago called Singorama – over the years it has been tweaked and honed down to the best singing program on the market.
So what’s the deal?
–> <afflink>
It’s SO simple, yet so effective!
So here’s what you get:
Singorama 2.0 with all 28 interactive audio lessons – Absolutely everything you need to learn to easily and quickly become a singing powerhouse…. Plus ALL its bonuses:
– Mini recording studio software
– Train your ear musically with ‘Perfect your pitch pro’
– Vocal warm-ups
– Vocal strengthening exercises
– Range extension exercises
– Interval training for singers
– And much much, more…
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read..
You can get all the details here:
–> <afflink>
Wishing you all the best with your musical dreams, ‘
<affiliate name>
P.S. By the way, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any prior singing experience, any prior theoretical singing knowledge, or much spare time, this can work for YOU!
–> <afflink>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play guitar’ niche
Subject Line 1: Strumming while singing can be tough…
Subject Line 2: These quick tips can get you there faster…
Subject Line 3: Playing the Guitar could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
Playing the guitar while singing comes naturally to some… Some artists make it look so damn easy. But the truth to it is – A lot of practice has gone into it.
That rush that comes with the feeling of achievement as you hit those breakthroughs makes it all worth while… But if you are savvy, you can get there quicker and easier.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Here are some simple rules to follow – To start you off on the right track, and will also give you the confidence to push on through should you think of giving up.
Rule 1: Pick the right song for you.
Don’t start with something too complex. I’m sure you have day dreamed of jamming away to your favourite song, but if it’s too tough, you will give up. You have to learn to walk before you can run. Find a song that lends well to strumming and singing and your faster progress will give you encouragement to keep practicing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 2: Internalize the lyrics.
Knowing your song inside and out is going to help you switch to ‘semi-autopilot’ while singing. Make sure you know that song back to front! Make sure you sing it out loud and ‘in your head’. Sing the song ‘in your head’ while you are on the bus, waiting in line, or in the elevator… even better, do it while you practice the chords ‘air guitar’ style (try to do it covertly, otherwise people will think you’ve gone crazy)
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 3: Start off slowly.
Don’t start off with choosing a fast song that has complex finger work and vocal acrobatics. Pick a song with a simpler tune, that fits your vocal range, and easy to execute.
Take your time and learn it properly, rather than practicing a bunch at once, and being rotten at all of them.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 4: Stick with basic chords.
If you are impatient and want to step up to some more complex riffs – the quality of your singing will suffer. Make sure your basic chords are as natural as tying a shoelace (you don’t think when you tie your laces – you just do it).Only then you can step up to more complex stuff.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 5: Be patient.
Getting good at anything takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results straight away. How long should you expect to practice before you start to get good at it? Some experts estimate it will take around 6 months… to be able to play easy to medium difficulty songs. This is if you practice 30 minutes a day.
Don’t be put off if it takes a bit longer… practice, and the quality of practice is what it’s all about. Practicing ‘in your head’ will also accelerate the process.
If you want to take things to the next level, you can learn to sing like a professional with the most comprehensive and up-to-date singing course you can get – Singorama 2.0
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only does it teach you how to sing like a pro in the fastest and easiest way, but it covers every other aspect of performing that a lot of other singing courses leave out.
The most important thing you need to know is to stay away from bad singing habits that will actually ruin your voice over time.
Check out this short video: the 3 biggest mistakes you can make when learning to sing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singoramam 2.0 can help you. Not only is it the best, it’s really fun!
Good luck!
P.S. Don’t risk permanent damage to your vocal chords by taking dodgy singing advice. Find out what to steer clear of, from a platinum & double gold recording artist.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play guitar’ niche
Subject Line 1: What were the REAL reasons you chose the guitar?
Subject Line 2: Double your satisfaction!
Subject Line 3: Playing the guitar could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
When you first picked up a guitar, and decided you wanted to learn to play, what were the reasons why? Was it because you wanted to play in a band? Was it because you just wanted to pick up a cool hobby? What-ever the reason for doing so, you chose the guitar to bring yourself and others the pleasure of beautiful music.
How would you like to DOUBLE that satisfaction? The next logical step is to learning to sing while you play!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singorama 2.0 is the most up-to-date and comprehensive singing course on the market. It’s a course that’s about much than just singing. It’s about learning and understanding how to use your voice, develop your range, how to sing with effortless power, tone and pitch, how to read music and how to exercise and push your singing ability in a way that doesn’t damage your vocal chords, how to practice for an audition, deal with performance anxiety and much more!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only that but it’s loaded with some powerful bonuses!
If you are considering learning to sing while you play you need to at least know what singing practices to AVOID so you don’t risk damaging your voice for good.
Check out the 3 worst singing habits you must avoid when learning to sing
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Bye for now,
P.S. Wouldn’t it be cool to pick up that guitar at the party and be able to sing beautifully along to your favourite songs?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play piano’ niche
Subject Line 1: Elton John would be nobody without this skill…
Subject Line 2: You have definitely daydreamed about this…
Subject Line 3: Playing the piano could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
Playing the piano is a HUGELY satisfying experience. How would you like to DOUBLE that satisfaction?
Have you ever listened to musical greats like Elton John or Billy Joel and thought to yourself how you wish you could sing like that while you played?
Can you imagine the shock and amazement in the faces of your friends and family when you as you start to sing along as you play your piano? Not just singing – But singing beautifully?
As a pianist, your next logical step is to learn to sing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singorama 2.0 is the most up-to-date and comprehensive singing course on the market. It’s a course that’s about much than just singing. It’s about learning and understanding how to use your voice, develop your range, how to sing with effortless power, tone and pitch, how to read music and how to exercise and push your singing ability in a way that doesn’t damage your vocal chords, how to practice for an audition, deal with performance anxiety and much more!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only that but it’s loaded with some powerful bonuses!
If you are considering learning to sing while you play you need to at least know what singing practices to AVOID so you don’t risk damaging your voice for good.
Check out the 3 worst singing habits you must avoid when learning to sing
Bye for now,
P.S. Wouldn’t it be cool to sing along to your favourite songs while playing your piano?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play piano’ niche
Subject Line 1: Playing the piano while singing can be tough…
Subject Line 2: These quick tips can get you there faster…
Subject Line 3: Playing the piano could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
Thinking of practicing to sing while playing the piano? Artists like Elton John and Billy Joel make it look easy, but in reality it’s takes practice and persistence.
I’m about to give you 4 great rules for singing while playing piano, but first, make sure you check this out while it’s still online…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
The number 1 secret to learning how to sing better.
Here are some tips to make your efforts a little easier.
Rule 1: Pick the right song for you.
Don’t start with something too complex. I’m sure you have day dreamed of jamming away to your favourite song, but if it’s too tough, you will give up. You have to learn to walk before you can run. Find a song that lends well to playing and singing and your faster progress will give you encouragement to keep practicing.
Rule 2: Internalize the lyrics.
Knowing your song inside and out is going to help you switch to ‘semi-autopilot’ while singing. Make sure you know that song back to front! Make sure you sing it out loud and ‘in your head’. Sing the song ‘in your head’ while you are on the bus, waiting in line, or in the elevator… even better, do it while you practice the piano notes ‘air piano’ style (try to do it covertly, otherwise people will think you’ve gone crazy)
Rule 3: Make sure you have correct posture.
Good posture means good breathing, which is translates to better singing. Its fine if you want to stand up, just make sure you are not hunched over.
Rule 4: Make a habit of practicing every day.
Be patient. Getting good at anything takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results straight away. How long should you expect to practice before you start to get good at it? Some experts estimate it will take around 6 months… to be able to play easy to medium difficulty songs. This is if you practice 30 minutes a day.
If you want to take things to the next level, you can learn to sing like a professional with the most comprehensive and up-to-date singing course you can get – Singorama 2.0
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only does it teach you how to sing like a pro in the fastest and easiest way, but it covers every other aspect of performing that a lot of other singing courses leave out.
The most important thing you need to know is to stay away from bad singing habits that will actually ruin your voice over time.
Check out this short video: the 3 biggest mistakes you can make when learning to sing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singoramam 2.0 can help you. Not only is it the best, it’s really fun!
Good luck!
P.S. Don’t risk permanent damage to your vocal chords by taking dodgy singing advice. Find out what to steer clear of, from a platinum & double gold recording artist.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Promotional Email Swipe (Please contact me if you are interested in this)
Singorama is continually looking for ways to make it easy for affiliates to make money. Choose from a range of pre-written emails below to add to your newsletter lists, letting your subscribers know about Singorama and how it can help them achieve their singing goals.
Just replace ‘cbankid’ with your own Clickbank ID in each email to create your hoplink.
You will notice on the first 2 email swipefiles there is a prompt to add a link in place of www.squeezepage.com – This is an option for you to promote the “free 5 part mini-course.” Once your prospect has registered, they are redirected to the video sales letter. This gives you multiple chances of making the sale – From Singorama’s mailing list, (for 60 days) and from the re-direct to the video sales letter. Click here to generate your affiliate link for the “free 5 part mini-course” and then copy and paste it in – like you would with your clickbank hoplink.
Email Templates
NOTE: You will need to change the merge fields identified by %% to reflect the merge codes in your email software.
Subject Line 1: Learning to sing like a pro is Easy!
Subject Line 2: Here’s Your 5 part singing mini-course…
Subject Line 3: Stop wasting time on stuff that doesn’t work
Hi %%FirstName%%,
There is a singing course on the market head and shoulders above the rest… It’s called Singorama 2.0
Right now they are giving away free lessons to get you started…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Here is the download link for your FREE 5 part singing mini-course.
–> www.squeezepage.com
Inside, you’ll learn:
* Every little thing you need to know about proper breathing techniques that will skyrocket you to your full singing potential.
* empower yourself with the theories of vocal tone and pitch and how the influence the way you sing.
* Learn professional singing habits while avoiding harmful bad habits.
* And much, much more…
You’ll also find out how to get access to Singorama.
With Singorama be able to:
* Sing with effortless strength.
* Increase your vocal range by at least an octave.
* Sing with beautiful tone and perfect pitch.
* And much more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
We look forward to working with you and helping you succeed in learning to sing like a pro
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Sing like an angel with the confidence of a rock star!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: In case you missed it yesterday!
Subject Line 2: The #1 Key to Success in Learning to Sing like a Pro…
Subject Line 3: Here’s that link…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Yesterday, you downloaded my 5 part singing mini-course. If you had any trouble accessing it, here’s the link again:
–> www.squeezepage.com
Now, the number one key to success in learning to sing is practicing your singing exercises. And if you don’t know how to do them properly, you could be headed for trouble!
So, take just a few minutes and learn the 3 bad habits you must avoid when singing!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
In fact, using exactly what you’ll discover in this system, I can PERSONALLY vouch that this course will transform your voice to sing like an angel with the confidence of a rock star!
Singorama 2.0 is a trusted brand that has been around for 10 years now. They never stop updating their system – members get updates for life.
So don’t take it from me… Take it from EXPERIENCE!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Singorama 2.0 comes with a 60 unconditional money back guarantee… So you really can’t lose!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Headline 1: Is this course really the best?
Headline 2: I used this system myself to ‘make it’ as a pop star.
Headline 3: Trust a course that stands the test of time.
Hi %%Firstname%%,
With all the different singing courses out there on the net, how can you know which one is best?
– You need to consider if the course you are looking at is as comprehensive as it gets.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Many other ‘singing courses’ out there skimp on training, fearing if they add too much content, it will ‘appear too complex’…. Singorama 2.0 has not left out a single piece of training. We have structured our course to make step-by-step learning easy.
– If other ‘singing courses’ out there are so good, why haven’t the instructors used it themselves to ‘make it’ in the industry?
The co-developer of this program developed this system to make it as a popstar…. 1 platinum and 2 gold albums speak for themselves. This system is step -by-step that anyone can follow!
– It’s important you consider a course that has been around a while….
Singorama 2.0 has been helping thousands of everyday people transform their voices for 10 years now.
Check out Singorama 2.0 and see for yourself why thousands of others have chosen us to transform their voice to a professional standard.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
To your singing mastery,
P.S: We look forward to getting a letter from you, telling us about your experience with Singorama and about all the people you have impressed with your newfound vocal skills. Even though we get a lot of mail, please write to us. We’d love to hear your success story!
Subject Line 1: Are you getting started?
Subject Line 2: Learning to sing like a pro is SIMPLE…
Subject Line 3: This is the #1 Key to Success…
Hi there %%FirstName%%!
Are you just getting started in learning to sing? Or are you a seasoned pro? (Or somewhere in between?)
Here’s the thing… If you want to truly be successful with learning to sing, then you HAVE to implement processes and systems. Not just any process or system, but one that works over and over again – that’s duplicatable.
Learning to sing like a pro is SIMPLE, but not always easy ;-). So do what it takes to make it eas-“ier”
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And when you get you access to Singorama 2.0, here’s just SOME of what you’ll learn:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence adding at least an octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* And MUCH, MUCH More!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Remember, scheduling and practicing your singing exercises is the key to success!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Why was Singorama 2.0 created?
Subject Line 2: Are you facing these same problems?
Subject Line 3: Here’s your answer!
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Back when I was just getting started with singing, the biggest problem I had was weak voice.
Chances are… you’re in the same boat!
The problem is… If you’re anything like I was, you’re getting more and more frustrated!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
You’ve probably spend countless hours researching online…
Or perhaps you’ve bought ebooks, training programs, and other products on the topic, only to be let down :-(.
Sound familiar?
Well, I was in a similar situation, many moons ago.
So what I decided to do was find the best singing program on you can get, and before I knew it, I was singing like a pro.
This fully comprehensive course gives you:
* 28 lesson audio course, ebook and 4 audio super bonuses
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* And SO much more!
See for yourself right here…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
People always ask me how I became such a great singer, and this is the simple answer!
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. If you have even the smallest idea you may be good at this or really enjoy it, you OWE it to yourself to try!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Singorama Details…
Subject Line 2: Here’s What You Get…
Subject Line 3: All of this is INCLUDED…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
I know you’re probably busy, so I’ll be quick…
Here’s the bottom line… No other Learn to sing course will give you all of this:
* 28 lesson audio course, ebook and 4 audio super bonuses
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* And much more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And remember, here’s just SOME of what you’ll learn when you get your access TODAY:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence adding at least and octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* And much, much, more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Grab your access today! The time to take action is NOW… it comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. There is NO OTHER singing course on the market this comprehensive!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Headline 1: Love to sing but still a little shy?
Headline 2: Does singing in front of others FREAK you out?
Headline 3: You’re pretty sure you can sing – but still a little shy?
Hi %Firstname%,
Do you get a little shy singing in front of others? Or just REALY nervous?
I used to get REALLY nervous. I had a problem…. Big crowds.
I got REALLY NERVOUS and it ruined my performances.
I kept working hard on my singing skills expecting the anxiety to go away but it wouldn’t….
I’m so incredibly grateful I found a way to overcome the problem, otherwise probably would have given up.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singing should be fun right? Not nerve wrecking…..
When I used the Singorama 2.0 program, I made sure to go straight to their breakthrough on performance anxiety, so I could really enjoy the art of singing, and performing at my best
– While not worrying about it.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singing is an art that can be learned… with Singorama 2.0 it’s fast and fun!
<your name>
P.S: Stop letting your fears dictate your life – Try it out…. if it isn’t for you, we will gladly refund your money within 60 days.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: PROOF (Inside)…
Subject Line 2: Here’s your proof!
Subject Line 3: Look at what they have to say…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
It’s one thing when “I” tell you about Singorama 2.0 and what it’s done for me…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
But, the proof is really in how it works for other people like YOU, right?
Well, here’s what just a few people have to say…
Hello. My name is John Elsfelder. I have been very successful with your course. I am very pleased. I actually was able to improve my voice and go into a studio and record a song that I wrote and I am trying to make it in the business, even at my age. I’m 48 years old, but I am going to do it. And I had a great time in the studio and I can even send you my song, so you can hear how good it sounds. I think the course is awesome. I love the technique about warm-ups, I really liked that. It really has helped me. In fact, I did that before I actually went into the studio. Anyway, I have a finished song, and I’m going to do 3 Christmas songs, hand them out to my family for Christmas on December 9th, and on December 16th I am going into the studio to record 2 more songs that I have written. I have written 9 songs so far. I just want to make it into the business, I’m trying to get on the radio. Everyone that has listened to my song loves it, and if I could get radio airplay it would be a hit. I’m just trying to make it and your course has really helped me a lot. I really, really am glad that I bought your course. John Elsfelder (United States)
“…The other thing I really liked about singorama was your mini-recording studio that I found really valuable because you can’t really improve your singing if you don’t hear it. I was using an old tape recorder and it’s just a pain when singing. You sing a few songs or a few scales, and then you want to find it again, ESPECIALLY if you left it a few days later. Then you’re like, “Oh wait where was that one, where was that practise, I need to know for the…” You can’t find it and end up guessing which was which. Whereas with the Singorama Mini Recording Studio, everything is filed away. It’s just a lot more convenient and easier to use!” Nadia E. (United Kingdom)
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Remember, you’ll finally be able to:
* Sing with effortless strength.
* Increase your vocal range by at least an octave.
* Sing with beautiful tone and perfect pitch.
* And much, much, more…
What are you waiting for?
Here’s your link to get started RIGHT NOW…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
I’m looking forward to adding you to one of our success stories…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Here’s what one more student had to say…
“Hello. I am just calling from Ireland. I bought the Singorama package to help me sing about a year ago. Now, I have to say it is the most comprehensive and fun course that I have ever experienced. I was so surprised that I could do this in my own time, like in the evenings after I do my day job and that is what inspired me to then purchase a studio. Using the mini studio with a Mac and the other software, I have actually written two songs which are going to be published very soon. So I am very, very happy with the strength of vocals and the range of harmonies that I can actually do. So again, I can’t reiterate how happy I am to receive the products and I wish Singorama all the best for the future.” Roland Smithers (Ireland)
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Subject Line 1: weak voice: Solved!
Subject Line 2: unable to hit high notes: Solved!
Subject Line 3: poor tone and pitch: Solved!
Hi %%FirstName%%,
The biggest 3 problems people have when it comes to learning to sing are:
* Weak voice;
* Unable to hit high notes; and
* Poor tone and pitch…
Can you relate?
Well, the good news is that inside Singorama 2.0, you’ll learn how to overcome each of those AND many more!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
For example, here’s just some of what you’re going to learn:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence adding at least an octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* and Much, Much MORE!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Grab yours now before you spend even MORE time running into more obstacles!
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Get your access today and FINALLY overcome what’s been holding you back!
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Subject Line 1: Quick Reminder…
Subject Line 2: Here’s What You Get…
Subject Line 3: Don’t Miss Out…
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Just a quick reminder… There’s still time to grab Singorama 2.0!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And when you order today, you’re going to get:
* 28 lesson audio course and ebook
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* And much, much more!
Plus you’ll also get all the bonuses here:
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Be sure to grab it ASAP… Every minute you wait is delaying your success.
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. What are you waiting for? The time to take action is NOW!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Are You A Master of Procrastination?
Subject Line 2: Is This Costing You?
Subject Line 3: How Much Do YOU Procrastinate?
Hi %%FirstName%%,
Have you grabbed your copy of Singorama 2.0?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
If not, I ask you… “What are you waiting for?”
Did you know…
“ACCURATE analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure, disclosed the fact that LACK OF DECISON was near the head of the 30 major causes of FAILURE. This is no mere statement of theory – it is a fact” ~ Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich.
The key to becoming successful is overcoming procrastination.
Here’s a tip that will increase your productivity and efficiency (and help you overcome procrastination).
*************** T I P ******************
* Get a small kitchen timer
* Set it to 60 minutes
* During that time, focus ONLY on MONEY GENERATING tasks. Nothing else… No email, no phone calls, no visitors, NOTHING…
That’s it. It sounds simple, but you will find yourself ‘creatively’ procrastinating if you don’t catch yourself.
The other thing that’s important with regard to Decision and Procrastination is this…
While you are sitting around “thinking about it” someone else is “doing it.” This translates into someone else being able to sing with effortless strength, Increasing their vocal range, singing with beautiful tone and perfect pitch., etc.
On that note, don’t try and reinvent the wheel.
It will be easier to make decisions if you have tried and true systems, if you have tools and resources that work…
If you’ve gotten this far, I ask you, what are you waiting for?
It’s time to order your copy of Singorama 2.0 😉
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Get your access today and FINALLY overcome the procrastination and GET STARTED!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: Your Final Reminder…
Subject Line 2: Last Chance!
Subject Line 3: You’re About to Miss Out…
Hi %FirstName%,
Over the past few weeks, I’ve sent you a number of emails with access to both your free 5 part singing mini-course as well as how to access Singorama 2.0.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
To recap, here’s just some of what you’ll learn inside:
* How to strengthen your vocal chords with professional warm-ups and exercises.
* How to sing with power and confidence – adding at least an octave to your range.
* Skills and techniques other ‘vocal coaches’ fail to deliver.
* And much, much more…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
And here’s what you’ll get:
* 28 lesson audio course and ebook.
* Singorama’s Mini Recording Studio
* World class ear training software -‘Perfect You Pitch Pro’
* PLUS all the other bonuses here:
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
If you’re FINALLY ready to fix your weak voice, work on to hitting those high notes, and fine tune poor tone and pitch…
… And start seeing benefits like singing with effortless strength, increasing your vocal range by at least an octave, and singing with beautiful vibrato, then the time to get started is now!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
I look forward to seeing you on the other side!
“If I cannot fly, let me sing”,
Your name
P.S. Remember, the time to make a decision is NOW. You may never see this offer again and I’d hate for you to lose out 🙁
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Subject Line 1: How to sing like a pro and have fun doing it!
Subject Line 2: Do you train at the gym? How about your voice?
Subject Line 3: Bad technique could ruin your voice forever…
Hi %Firstname%,
As many aspiring singers do, they search the web for ‘free singing tips’ but as they search they find it’s like diving deep into a wormhole. Over whelmed by information, they find conflicting advice, and are unsure where to start. And out of this mountain of singing tips, how are you to know what the most important are, can I trust this advice?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
It can be really frustrating. You have this passion for singing, but you want to take your voice to the next level…. You have probably questioned to yourself if singing can actually be learned. Maybe it’s something you are just born with?
First of all, the good news is – That singing is an art than anyone can learn. The muscles that create your voice are just like any other muscle in your body…. It can be trained. But most importantly, it has to be trained the right way. Have you ever heard of someone injuring themselves because they used the wrong technique at the gym? Well the same goes for your voice. A bad or improper technique can damage your voice, and if the habit isn’t corrected, you could face permanent damage. The most common is voice ‘nodules.’
To guarantee you practice the professional way, there is a well established singing course that has been transforming voices for the last 10 years: Singorama 2.0
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
This comprehensive course goes far beyond other singing courses because it was developed by a 90’s popstar (Melanie Alexander from ‘Girlfriend’) and a well established vocal coach (Emily Mander)
The techniques in this course are the ones Melanie used herself to help her earn the platinum and 2 gold albums she hangs on her wall.
The reason why this course is the best is because much more than learning to sing. From dealing with performance anxiety, to singing in a band or choir, as well as advanced professional singing techniques.
It doesn’t matter what level of singing you are at, you can either transform your voice as a beginner or reach your full potential if you are advanced.
Singorama 2.0 is made up of 28 interactive lessons, an ebook, combined with some killer bonuses – The Mini-Recording Studio and the ‘Pitch Perfector’ that have the reviewers raving.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
If you want to sing with a far greater range, with effortless power, hitting those high notes with perfection, with beautiful tone and pitch…. and have fun doing it then you have to check out Singorama 2.0
You will be so glad you did.
Bye for now
P.S. If you at least want to know the 3 killer mistakes you could be making while learning to sing, check this out…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play guitar’ niche
Subject Line 1: Jimi wasn’t that great at singing…
Subject Line 2: Would Jimi still have been so famous?
Subject Line 3: Playing the Guitar could be TWICE as fun!
Jimi Hendrix had a long career before he decided to learn to sing… Can you imagine if he had been happy with just lead guitar and didn’t sing? Would he still be one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century?
Jimi wasn’t a powerhouse singer… The guitar and stage performance spoke for itself…
You may not be as good on the gat as Jimi, but what if you could sing better than him?
You might be pursuing a dream in music, but ‘missing a piece of the puzzle’….this missing piece of the puzzle could be holding you back from becoming a legend one day.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
You may be able to sing ok while playing….. But wouldn’t it be amazing to sing with rhythm, tune, power and vibrato?
My friend Melanie Alexander (who has a platinum and 2 gold albums) co-developed a singing course 10 years ago called Singorama – over the years it has been tweaked and honed down to the best singing program on the market.
So what’s the deal?
–> <afflink>
It’s SO simple, yet so effective!
So here’s what you get:
Singorama 2.0 with all 28 interactive audio lessons – Absolutely everything you need to learn to easily and quickly become a singing powerhouse…. Plus ALL its bonuses:
– Mini recording studio software
– Train your ear musically with ‘Perfect your pitch pro’
– Vocal warm-ups
– Vocal strengthening exercises
– Range extension exercises
– Interval training for singers
– And much much, more…
If you’d like to take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary, make a signature song all your own, increase your vocal range, hit every note with professional precision and learn every nitty-gritty detail about auditions, singing in a band, harmonizing and more, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read..
You can get all the details here:
–> <afflink>
Wishing you all the best with your musical dreams, ‘
<affiliate name>
P.S. By the way, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any prior singing experience, any prior theoretical singing knowledge, or much spare time, this can work for YOU!
–> <afflink>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play guitar’ niche
Subject Line 1: Strumming while singing can be tough…
Subject Line 2: These quick tips can get you there faster…
Subject Line 3: Playing the Guitar could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
Playing the guitar while singing comes naturally to some… Some artists make it look so damn easy. But the truth to it is – A lot of practice has gone into it.
That rush that comes with the feeling of achievement as you hit those breakthroughs makes it all worth while… But if you are savvy, you can get there quicker and easier.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Here are some simple rules to follow – To start you off on the right track, and will also give you the confidence to push on through should you think of giving up.
Rule 1: Pick the right song for you.
Don’t start with something too complex. I’m sure you have day dreamed of jamming away to your favourite song, but if it’s too tough, you will give up. You have to learn to walk before you can run. Find a song that lends well to strumming and singing and your faster progress will give you encouragement to keep practicing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 2: Internalize the lyrics.
Knowing your song inside and out is going to help you switch to ‘semi-autopilot’ while singing. Make sure you know that song back to front! Make sure you sing it out loud and ‘in your head’. Sing the song ‘in your head’ while you are on the bus, waiting in line, or in the elevator… even better, do it while you practice the chords ‘air guitar’ style (try to do it covertly, otherwise people will think you’ve gone crazy)
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 3: Start off slowly.
Don’t start off with choosing a fast song that has complex finger work and vocal acrobatics. Pick a song with a simpler tune, that fits your vocal range, and easy to execute.
Take your time and learn it properly, rather than practicing a bunch at once, and being rotten at all of them.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 4: Stick with basic chords.
If you are impatient and want to step up to some more complex riffs – the quality of your singing will suffer. Make sure your basic chords are as natural as tying a shoelace (you don’t think when you tie your laces – you just do it).Only then you can step up to more complex stuff.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Rule 5: Be patient.
Getting good at anything takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results straight away. How long should you expect to practice before you start to get good at it? Some experts estimate it will take around 6 months… to be able to play easy to medium difficulty songs. This is if you practice 30 minutes a day.
Don’t be put off if it takes a bit longer… practice, and the quality of practice is what it’s all about. Practicing ‘in your head’ will also accelerate the process.
If you want to take things to the next level, you can learn to sing like a professional with the most comprehensive and up-to-date singing course you can get – Singorama 2.0
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only does it teach you how to sing like a pro in the fastest and easiest way, but it covers every other aspect of performing that a lot of other singing courses leave out.
The most important thing you need to know is to stay away from bad singing habits that will actually ruin your voice over time.
Check out this short video: the 3 biggest mistakes you can make when learning to sing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singoramam 2.0 can help you. Not only is it the best, it’s really fun!
Good luck!
P.S. Don’t risk permanent damage to your vocal chords by taking dodgy singing advice. Find out what to steer clear of, from a platinum & double gold recording artist.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play guitar’ niche
Subject Line 1: What were the REAL reasons you chose the guitar?
Subject Line 2: Double your satisfaction!
Subject Line 3: Playing the guitar could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
When you first picked up a guitar, and decided you wanted to learn to play, what were the reasons why? Was it because you wanted to play in a band? Was it because you just wanted to pick up a cool hobby? What-ever the reason for doing so, you chose the guitar to bring yourself and others the pleasure of beautiful music.
How would you like to DOUBLE that satisfaction? The next logical step is to learning to sing while you play!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singorama 2.0 is the most up-to-date and comprehensive singing course on the market. It’s a course that’s about much than just singing. It’s about learning and understanding how to use your voice, develop your range, how to sing with effortless power, tone and pitch, how to read music and how to exercise and push your singing ability in a way that doesn’t damage your vocal chords, how to practice for an audition, deal with performance anxiety and much more!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only that but it’s loaded with some powerful bonuses!
If you are considering learning to sing while you play you need to at least know what singing practices to AVOID so you don’t risk damaging your voice for good.
Check out the 3 worst singing habits you must avoid when learning to sing
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Bye for now,
P.S. Wouldn’t it be cool to pick up that guitar at the party and be able to sing beautifully along to your favourite songs?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play piano’ niche
Subject Line 1: Elton John would be nobody without this skill…
Subject Line 2: You have definitely daydreamed about this…
Subject Line 3: Playing the piano could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
Playing the piano is a HUGELY satisfying experience. How would you like to DOUBLE that satisfaction?
Have you ever listened to musical greats like Elton John or Billy Joel and thought to yourself how you wish you could sing like that while you played?
Can you imagine the shock and amazement in the faces of your friends and family when you as you start to sing along as you play your piano? Not just singing – But singing beautifully?
As a pianist, your next logical step is to learn to sing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Singorama 2.0 is the most up-to-date and comprehensive singing course on the market. It’s a course that’s about much than just singing. It’s about learning and understanding how to use your voice, develop your range, how to sing with effortless power, tone and pitch, how to read music and how to exercise and push your singing ability in a way that doesn’t damage your vocal chords, how to practice for an audition, deal with performance anxiety and much more!
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only that but it’s loaded with some powerful bonuses!
If you are considering learning to sing while you play you need to at least know what singing practices to AVOID so you don’t risk damaging your voice for good.
Check out the 3 worst singing habits you must avoid when learning to sing
Bye for now,
P.S. Wouldn’t it be cool to sing along to your favourite songs while playing your piano?
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Email swipe file for ‘Learn to play piano’ niche
Subject Line 1: Playing the piano while singing can be tough…
Subject Line 2: These quick tips can get you there faster…
Subject Line 3: Playing the piano could be TWICE as fun!
Hi %FirstName%,
Thinking of practicing to sing while playing the piano? Artists like Elton John and Billy Joel make it look easy, but in reality it’s takes practice and persistence.
I’m about to give you 4 great rules for singing while playing piano, but first, make sure you check this out while it’s still online…
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
The number 1 secret to learning how to sing better.
Here are some tips to make your efforts a little easier.
Rule 1: Pick the right song for you.
Don’t start with something too complex. I’m sure you have day dreamed of jamming away to your favourite song, but if it’s too tough, you will give up. You have to learn to walk before you can run. Find a song that lends well to playing and singing and your faster progress will give you encouragement to keep practicing.
Rule 2: Internalize the lyrics.
Knowing your song inside and out is going to help you switch to ‘semi-autopilot’ while singing. Make sure you know that song back to front! Make sure you sing it out loud and ‘in your head’. Sing the song ‘in your head’ while you are on the bus, waiting in line, or in the elevator… even better, do it while you practice the piano notes ‘air piano’ style (try to do it covertly, otherwise people will think you’ve gone crazy)
Rule 3: Make sure you have correct posture.
Good posture means good breathing, which is translates to better singing. Its fine if you want to stand up, just make sure you are not hunched over.
Rule 4: Make a habit of practicing every day.
Be patient. Getting good at anything takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results straight away. How long should you expect to practice before you start to get good at it? Some experts estimate it will take around 6 months… to be able to play easy to medium difficulty songs. This is if you practice 30 minutes a day.
If you want to take things to the next level, you can learn to sing like a professional with the most comprehensive and up-to-date singing course you can get – Singorama 2.0
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
Not only does it teach you how to sing like a pro in the fastest and easiest way, but it covers every other aspect of performing that a lot of other singing courses leave out.
The most important thing you need to know is to stay away from bad singing habits that will actually ruin your voice over time.
Check out this short video: the 3 biggest mistakes you can make when learning to sing.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie, intermediate, or advanced singer, Singoramam 2.0 can help you. Not only is it the best, it’s really fun!
Good luck!
P.S. Don’t risk permanent damage to your vocal chords by taking dodgy singing advice. Find out what to steer clear of, from a platinum & double gold recording artist.
–> <yourhoplinkhere>
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Promotional Email Swipe (Please contact me if you are interested in this)
Singorama is always keen to offer affiliates every chance to maximize their campaigns. From time to time we offer specials that enable our affiliates to motivate leads to purchase the course at a discount.
We offer our affiliates the option to run 24 hour or 72 hour 50% off promo’s that extends an extra 24 hours to rake in those that missed out. –This is a very powerful and proven sales technique. We are able to customoze special landing pages for affiliates who want a greater degree of personalization like this for their leads.
If you would like to use this promotional sequence, please contact the Singorama affiliate manager to set this up for you.
**Note: This is a special only. The special offer landing page is not a perpetual special nor is it continually live, so if you want this special set up for you and your leads, you must contact the affiliate manager directly and discuss ways to schedule and activate this special offer for your lists.
Review Copies of Singorama
If you would like a review copy of Singorama, we are happy to supply you with one so you can write your own unbiased and accurate review of how this ground breaking singing system can change the lives and singing goals of your leads, subscribers, and potential customers.
Just send us an email with your Clickbank ID, and the details of your website so we can set up your review access!
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A great place to start you advertising campaign is Google Adwords and other pay-per-click search engines. If you are new to PPC search engines or would just like a great lesson in making Google ads that sell like Crazy, try reading this fabulous E-Book: GOOGLECASH.
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Another really useful keyword finder is Traffic Travis
$$Million Dollar Tips$$
If you are not advertising on misspellings (typos), you are in the wrong business! Don’t waste your time, if you don’t have the time to add the misspellings of every keyword and combination. Simply go through and advertise on misspelled words and typos!
example: learn to sing = lern to sing = lern too singg = learn to singe
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$More Million Dollar Tips$
If you are not using at least 5 search engines to get cheap traffic you are blowing money away!!!! IT’S FREE MONEY! Don’t be lazy!!!
Recommended Top 10 Pay Per Click Search Engines
So you’re looking to promote Singorama via the various pay per click search engines?
Well first of all you should realize that google isn’t everything. Yes it does produce fantastic results, return on investment is good, and there is a lot of visitors coming from there. But there is also a world of traffic outside of google, and often it is less competitive to purchase, so print out this page and take a look at these other pay per click search engines. I especially recommend that you join ALL of the big 3 below:
The Big 3:
Google Adwords – This is the biggest and best volume for traffic quality. Has a great user interface, however is also often the most expensive.
Yahoo Search Marketing – Also very good for targetted high quality traffic. Not as high a volume as google, but still enough to be considered very significant. Don’t forget to sign up to Yahoo USA, Yahoo UK and Yahoo AUS individually as you need to sign up to each one separately for some strange reason. It’s a bit of a nuisance doing this, but well worth it. Yahoo UK and USA in particular are absolute must haves, while Yahoo AUS is growing and has a fantastic Return on Investment per click.
MSN Adcenter – Growing all the time. Very good conversion rates. The volume of traffic is much lower than google and is about half that of yahoo, sometimes even less, but often comes cheaper with a higher return on investment. Well worth having.
Looksmart – Often underrated, can produce very good return on investments.
Final 5 worth a go:
7search – A smaller search engine with good quality traffic. Good interface. They claim better ROI than either Google or Yahoo! because of their high quality traffic sources.
Make Piles of Cash as a Super-Affiliate!
But if you want to EXPONENTIALLY grow your affiliate business, there’s nowhere better to learn than with Affilorama. Learn how to make millions of dollars promoting other products with the Master Super Affiliate Mark Ling.
Here’s what he has to share with you:
Are you sick and tired of all the BS on the internet about how to make money online?
Product after product promoting that you’ll make $1000 a day in less than a month and stuff like that?
Well who isn’t?
What you need is a step-by-step system, using video lessons that show you in front of your eyes what actually works. No hype, no bull. Just what works, and how you can replicate it for yourself.
Affilorama, a step-by-step guide which shows you how to make money online from affiliate programs was created by Mark Ling, a super affiliate who is making over $1 million a year from affiliate programs. More importantly though, he’s used his knowledge to help his family (his dad and cousin) and his friends to make a full time living online by replicating his system.
Now he has decided to release this information to the general public. It’s in the form of step-by-step video lessons. Plus written notes. And not only that, there is hand holding as well! He’s there almost every single day on the forum, along with other members of Affilorama, they are all there to make sure you succeed.
Now isn’t that a nice change? A person who teaches you how to make money online that ACTUALLY cares about YOU!
If you want more information – there is a LOT of it on his homepage – visit Affilorama.
It’s the ultimate resource for affiliates who are serious about maximizing their campaigns as well as their profits!
Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want more details. If you have any questions, ideas, or promotions you think we would be interested in, feel free to contact the Singorama affiliate team directly.